Thursday, January 14, 2010

More Knitting Projects Finished in 2009 - Installment 2

Begun on October 18 and finished on November 11, this project is for our guild's Think Pink show to be held next month. I've named it Celebration of Life Shrug. Although the shrug design is my own, I followed Jane Thornley's stitches in her Paua Shell Topper. It is very warm and can be worn in 2 directions. One direction is longer in the back. It makes a nice shawl collar worn that way.

Front worn the long way

Detail of the front worn the long way

Back worn the long way

Back detail worn the long way

Front collar detail worn with shawl collar

Detail of the front worn the short way

Back collar detail worn the short way

Detail of the back worn the short way


  1. Very pretty-I like that it is feminine without frou-frou!

  2. Thank you! I visited your blog and will visit again when I have more time. Great looking hairpin lace.

  3. Thank you! Beautiful things on your blog as well! I will have to take another look and at your etsy shop as well. Isn't Jane Thornley's Ravelry group great?

    I love your part of the country. We have dear friends who have a beach house at Topsail Island. It is an awesome experience to go there.
